How to Optimize Content for SEO

Posted: April 18, 2017

If you want to increase your visibility on search engines through SEO, then content optimization will be the key to your success. While Google is notoriously secretive about exactly how they determine rankings, they have made it known that content is among the top three factors they consider. However, you can produce the most amazing content possible, but it's not going to help you with your website marketing goals if it's not properly curated for the intended audience. Here’s a few tips and tricks we’ve learned as a web marketing company on how to optimize content for SEO.

Write for Real People

Before you worry about keywords and links, start with content that's written with the reader in mind, not search engine crawlers. Google rewards content that's relevant and so do the people who are searching for it. Determine what keywords will likely resonate with those searchers by researching your keywords in relation to user intent. Quality search engine optimized content you create based on this knowledge should be:

• Written with an understanding of what your audience is looking for and what keywords they're using to find it

• Using richer, more engaging content that is focused on a specific task or centered around possible solutions for a specific problem

• Peppered with appropriate calls-to-action and clear directions on the next step you would like the reader to take 

Focus on the User Experience

Align content creation with your search engine optimization goals by keeping the user experience (UX) in mind at all times. Content that's tailored to the needs of the user is more likely to be viewed and shared. In general, user-centered content for SEO purposes is content that is:

• Simple, clear and concise

• Informative, yet unexpected (in a good way)

• Emotional, entertaining, inspirational and practical (not necessarily all at once)

• Relevant and trustworthy

Create Easily Digestible Content

Quality SEO content is content that can be easily digested by the average reader. For instance, unless you are writing specifically for other businesses, industry jargon should be kept to a minimum or clearly explained when used. Start by paying attention to your H1 titles and subsequent subheadings. Include appropriate keywords in titles and subheads, as long as they don't affect readability or relevance. Ideally, a reader should be able to quickly scan your content and know what's being presented. Achieve this goal with:

• Short paragraphs

• Bulleted or numbered lists

• Short quotes from reputable sources or industry leaders

Take a Cue from What's Already Ranking Well

If you need a little more guidance with your content, check out what your competitors are putting out there. Do a simple Google search for your products or services and take a look at the sites that are ranking well. Look at not only the type of content they're presenting, but how it's laid out on the page and what's included with it.

Watch Your Keyword Usage

Keyword stuffing has always been a no-no when it comes to SEO. Instead of overusing the primary keyword, try primary related keywords to create more of a variety. While you'll want to use your important keywords within the first part of your content, also focus on working those words and phrases in as naturally as possible. Don't forget to include keywords in things like your URLs, image and video captions, alt text and captions, and meta descriptions.

Have an 'User-Friendly' Web Design

You're not going to be able to take your content from creation to conversion without a website that's as user-friendly as possible. Since 2015, mobile viewing has been ahead of PC viewing, which means websites need to be designed with on-the-go searchers in mind. This is even more important since Google now has a mobile first policy where a website is evaluated based on how it's viewed from a mobile device. If it has been a while since you've paid attention to the layout of your site, it's probably time for a tuneup that includes:

• Minimizing page load times

• Simplifying navigation

• Appropriately sizing images

• Leaving space around clickable buttons

• Pages included on an XML sitemap to help Google properly categorize content

• Short URLS (aim for 60 characters or less)

• Internal links for easier navigation to other content within your site

• External links from reputable, relevant sources

We know what Google expects and, more importantly, what your target market expect when seeking your products or services online. Whether you primarily need a website designer or access to an entire internet marketing team, Jumpem is here to help. Contact our team today to learn more about our content optimization services.